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Memory Loss

Memory Loss services offered in Sun City, AZ

Everyone gets more forgetful as they age, but some people suffer more severe memory loss. Skilled internist E. Leon Thompson, DO, of Thompson Medical Group in Sun City, Arizona, offers specialized care to patients experiencing memory loss because of conditions like dementia. Call Thompson Medical Group or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online today to learn how you or someone you love could benefit from expert memory loss treatment.

Memory Loss Q&A

What is memory loss?

Memory loss means you have difficulty remembering things. Sometimes it’s events from your recent past, or it could be small details relating to daily life. In most cases, memory loss is patchy — sudden, complete loss of memory (amnesia) is unusual and rarely permanent.

Most people experience a mild degree of forgetfulness that tends to increase with age. But significant or progressive memory loss could indicate an underlying health condition. Thompson Medical Group offers expert diagnosis and treatment to help patients suffering from memory loss.

What causes memory loss?

Many things can cause or worsen memory loss. Examples include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Head injuries
  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Menopause
  • Severe stress
  • Mental health disorders

The cause of memory loss most people fear is dementia, a symptom of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy body dementia. Dementia can affect your reasoning, organizational skills, judgment, mood, and language skills, as well as your memory.

People with dementia usually find they struggle with short-term memory to begin with. They may forget whether they’ve eaten or had a drink recently or taken their medication. As memory loss worsens, people with dementia might forget where they live, their age, and what’s happening in the news.

Dementia patients usually retain their long-term memory after recent memories fade almost completely. For example, they may fail to recognize close family members but be able to recall events from fifty years in the past.

How is memory loss treated?

Treatment for memory loss depends on its cause. If you have an underlying medical condition, treating it should improve your memory. If you have a brain injury, you might benefit from specialized rehabilitation.

Early diagnosis can help people with dementia retain their memory for longer. The sooner your Thompson Medical Group provider can prescribe medications, the more effective they will be.

People with dementia also benefit from personalized care to slow the disease’s progression. A nutritious diet, ensuring you have a safe home with support, and sticking to a known routine can help people cope with dementia for longer. Occupational therapy and other interventions like music therapy can also help.

If you or a family member are struggling with memory loss that seems like more than just age-related forgetfulness, visit Thompson Medical Group for an assessment. Call the office or book an appointment online today.